Benedictine Values: Simplicity

Many religious orders take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, but Benedictine Sisters do not. When we become Sisters, we make monastic profession of 3 promises: obedience, stability and fidelity to the monastic way of life. It is within the promise of stability that we commit ourselves to chastity and monastic poverty, or simplicity. Continue Reading

Our Monastic Promises Key to Seeking God Together

Today Bishop Joe spoke on our Monastic Promises. This was good for me because it will lead me nicely into the Benedictine Spirituality Workshop and Retreat (BSWR) that I will be making in about two weeks.*

In fact, I’ve spent a lot of time since I entered 4 years ago studying the promises, so today was a wonderful opportunity for reflection. After Bishop Joe was finished, I made another cup of coffee and took my notebooks and books out to the patio to write about them. Continue Reading