Christmas in a Monastery

If you’ve ever wondered how a community of Catholic Sisters celebrates Christmas, I know how you feel. I used to wonder too!

My community of monastic Benedictine Sisters has its own traditions which I am happy to share. (I’m not sure how apostolic communities celebrate, or if they even gather together on Christmas Day. They don’t live in community as monastics do. In fact, they often live far away from the Motherhouse. As a monastic community, we live together and celebrate holy days together.) Continue Reading

Lots of Daughters and Grandmas

Well, the last day of school has arrived for the year amid a flurry of activity. We had ornaments to make, songs to practice and a concert to perform. In the middle of it all, we visited the monastery. What fun!

The monastery trip was our Christmas Concert rehearsal, service project and super snack time. Since I live there, the kids call the field trip a visit to “Sister Stefanie’s house.” 🙂 Continue Reading